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Actress 女優

[JAPAN] 大政あやトリビュート女優

[JAPAN] 大政あやトリビュート女優

[JAPAN] 大政あやトリビュート女優

This video introduces you to Ms. Aya Omasa (or Ohmasa), one of Japan’s hopeful actresses.
Aya was born and raised in Hokkaido to Japanese parents. She knew what she wanted to do in her life from a little child, so she pursued her dream of going to an acting school. At age 14, she was touring in Tokyo with her family and that is when she accidentally met Andrew Tabun Niwa, a famous scout agent in Tokyo. Andrew is the one who found popular actresses like Aoi Miyazaki, Kaho, and Maki Horikita, etc.
Andrew is Japanese; his mom is German in origin (J-citizen) and his dad is Japanese. He was born and grew up in Tokyo. After graduating from Hosei University, he started his own entertainment company. In the beginning, it was tough, always running out of funding, and he had to work hard but now he is doing fine. The entertainment industry is one of the most competitive ones in the West and Japan is not an exception. At any rate, so far he is successful in it.
Back to Aya, she was scouted in Tokyo. Her first job was to model for a “Seventeen” magazine, one of the famous U.S. magazines. From modeling, Andrew could get her a role in a TV drama, “Tokyo Kashimashi Girls,” her debut film. She was lucky to have met Andrew and to get into his company, BS-i. It is not easy to find a good agent, and there are many fraudulent agents that could be downright dangerous. Since the 21st century, both Chinese and Koreans are the largest minority races in Japan and their crime and sex-crime rates are outrageous and rampant. Anybody who visits Japan MUST be careful of these FAKE “Japanese,” people call them. Fake talent agencies from China and Korea are run by the mafia; they are in the business of “human trafficking” and “sex-slavery,” etc., nothing to do with the entertainment business. They sell people of all races, ages, and sex around the world.
Anyway, Aya’s career is going well so far; she co-starred with Shōta Sometani in Natsuki Seta’s 2010 film, “A Liar and a Broken Girl.” Also, she appeared in the 2011 film, “Paradise Kiss.”
Aya has won an award for the Best Supporting Actress in 2010. The same year, her contract with the magazine, “Seventeen,” ended. She also graduated from a high school in Tokyo; she did well academically, so if she wants to go back to studying, she can go on to a college.
From 2011, she got a job as an exclusive model for “NONNO,” a famous women’s fashion magazine. In the same year, she was offered a job position from Fuji TV for the company’s TV CM as a regular member. Whatever she does, best of luck to Aya!

Thanks for watching…; please give a massive thumbs up! My videos are sort of related to each other, so enjoy others as well. Peace out… to all the beautiful souls out there in the world. Cheers!

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