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Announcer 女子アナ美人




Yes, hello everyone, I would like to do a live broadcast on the Vegetable Day Channel again today. Well, it’s been snowing almost every day this week, so I’m in trouble. How is everyone doing today? Thank you for joining us. Today, it’s been a long time since I last

Made some braided bread from the bread pan, which is gentle enough to be mixed with this book. I wonder where the braided bread went? It’s this bread with cocoa in it. I’m

Thinking of making two types of misa bread, such as this type of bread, and I’ll also make matcha dough. I’m going to change the length a little bit.This is matcha fabric, but there are two types of braids like this, and they vary depending on the thickness and length, so

I think I’ll change that part a little bit. That’s what I’m thinking, so I’m going to make two types of dough: cocoa dough and matcha dough , so the idea of ​​making a dough at that time is that one.I hope you follow the recipe exactly

, but I prefer matcha dough to cocoa dough. If you add too much, it will become very bitter, the color will become very dark, and the swelling will be poor, so be careful. Generally speaking, matcha is

About 1/3 of the cocoa. It’s my image, so I’ve listed the ingredients in the summary section of Ea , but if you look there, it says 10g of cocoa and 3G of matcha, so that’s about it. I think it’s safe to say that if you add something like that,

You’ll be right.So, first of all, make the cocoa dough.Make the cocoa and matcha dough, then add in the orange peel. So, this orange peel goes really well with the cocoa batter, which is a combination that I really like, so I

‘m adding orange peel to this one, but today I’m going to use that simmered rice cake like this and it’s like a little glacé. I have some hard-boiled garlic, so I’d like to chop it up and add it to the garlic.I’m thinking of

Adding some chocolate as well, so I’ll braid the matcha in the same way. This is a round shape like this.Make the dough just like this.And then inside there are those Japanese warbler beans.I’m thinking of putting some Japanese warbler beans in there.I don’t have any

White chocolate, so I’m thinking of putting some beans in there. I’m thinking of making a dough that has matcha in it , so once the dough is made, it’s going to be whatever you like.If you mix it in a little bit,

It will take on a different shape. I think it would be fun to have a taste of it , so please try to find something you have at home.If you say yes, then thank you everyone.It ‘s cold.You know, it’s really cold.If

You don’t turn on the heating, the room will be 5 degrees Celsius. It’s like 5 degrees, so just looking at it makes me feel cold. Right now, the room is warmed up, but it’s cold anyway, so I’m going to ferment it a little, so I’m going to warm it up with hot water.

I would like to do this again today. It feels like we are back in winter, so I’m shaking. Well , first of all, let’s start by making raw dough. We will make two types of dough, so it will look like this. Prepare the container. As I

Always say, this book also has detailed information about how to make the dough, and when you make it in this container, it ‘s a 600ml container. However, if you make it with this, you can make just the right amount with 150g of flour, so I

Think you should choose the size of the container according to the amount of dough you want to make. I think you can use a bowl or anything you have at home instead, but it’s really convenient if it comes with a lid because you don’t need to cover it, so

It’s great when fermenting in the refrigerator. Because it’s convenient, I recommend a plastic container.First, put the butter in and melt it with hot water.The amount of hot water is 60g for cocoa. I’m going to dissolve it, and this is 55g of matcha.For some reason, coca has a lot more fiber, so it

Absorbs water, so matcha, surprisingly, doesn’t do that, so it’s a little more modest. Well, this has to melt completely, so I’m going to melt this one a little bit. Yes, it’s melted.

Once it’s melted, add the milk here. Even though it’s melted, the water is still hot, so I’m going to put the milk here. Cold milk in the refrigerator. It’s okay to take it fresh out of the oven, but how about something like this ? Add 60, 60, 60

Milk here and mix it up . I think it’s just lukewarm water and it’s at a good temperature, so put the yeast in there. 1/2 1/2 spoon of yeast , 1/2 spoon, um, 13 tablespoons of salt, and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Add this and mix it a little bit. It won’t completely dissolve. It’s got milk in it . It doesn’t really melt. Just wipe it. Once it’s like this, add the flour. If you mix the flour and then the starch first, it’ll be very easy to mix. Well, first of all, add 150

% strong flour. And 10g of cocoa powder In that book, they put cocoa powder in 150g of cat, but either way is fine. 10g , then add this powder first, then cook the cat. Add cocoa powder first, like this. Mix it well until it turns brown

, and if there are a lot of lumps of cocoa, it’s a good idea to shake it once.Depending on the cocoa, these lumps can form quite a bit. This will vary depending on how you pull the cocoa, so once you have a good overall texture with no white spots or very brown spots,

Add this. I’ve measured it, so it’s fine, so I’m going to put it here. And , uh, a rubber spatula. If it’s a slightly deeper container like this, I’ll use a rubber spatula to mix it up. The temperature of that water has already dropped

, but if I do this. In this case, it already contains something like cocoa powder, so if you mix it with water, it will mix right away.If you move around the round container like this, it will mix neatly , so it is very convenient. Now, turn it over like this, and turn it

Over again and again to distribute the moisture evenly so that there are no powdery parts.If a lump of core forms and comes out, crush it like this. Please, I think it will mix well if you lift it up a little and turn it over like this

. Is it ok? Is it ok ? Now that the dough is completed, flatten the surface. If you clean the area around here a little, it will be easier to see how much it has grown from here, so make sure to clean it up a bit. Now

Let’s ferment it for a while. Another matcha next time. This is the dough. Now that it ‘s melted, I’m going to add milk here. The milk is about 60 ml, and it’s already cooled down a lot, so here’s the yeast. Mix the yeast , sugar, and

Salt lightly. In the case of this matcha, mix it as well. It’s better to keep it for a while, so the distance powder is 150 yen, and the matcha is not the matcha you drink when you drink it . When you change the color, the color

Becomes very beautiful.This is the matcha used for bread and sweets, but it already contains pigments like this , or pigments, that give a good color. It’s not going to look like that really beautiful color, it’s going to be a beautiful color. I wonder if it’s okay to put it in as is. 3G.

I put in too much. I put in too much. [Music] I ca n’t get it right. It’s about 3.5g , and if you put it on fire, the color will fade, so be sure

To put it in a bag like this aluminum foil, and then put it in a container that blocks sunlight, like a can, or the color won’t fade. Yes, I’m going to mix this as well. I used that earlier, so

Let’s mix it with this. It’s good that I mixed it with this from the beginning. Now I’ll mix it evenly with the matcha and then I’ll add it in. Or, put it in a plastic bag and shake it lightly like this. It mixes well

, and if there are any small crumbs like this left, you can rub them together with the bag from above and it will crush and become fine.So, it looks like this.We have made something with matcha and matcha.Okay , then put it here. The efficiency of the work is completely different

Between mixing the ingredients here and then separately and mixing them in the cat container, so it is better to mix them first . I feel like I wrote something like this, but if you mix it first and then let it sit,

It will be easier to mix.If you mix it first, it will mix much faster when you mix it now. Turn it over a little and mix it well . OK ? Yes, is it okay? Look closely to see if there’s any flour collecting at the bottom. It’s

Mixed. Now, flatten it again and make a surface . I’m going to flatten it and it’s going to be a little sticky so it won’t be flat. Is it okay if it looks like this? Okay, let’s knock it down [applause]. This is the part that’s easy to understand. It’s like

This until it expands to roughly double its size. I’d like to do that . Well, I’d like to warm it up with hot water and ferment it. As usual, if you use a plastic container like this, hot water at about 60 degrees is just right. But if it’s metal, make sure it’s at about 40 degrees. It’s going to touch the fabric directly, so

It’s easy to ferment if there’s hot water in this part of the fabric, so it’s a little hard to see clearly, but it should look like this. So I’m going to let it ferment a little bit

, so I’m going to cover it like this so that the hot water doesn’t get cold, and I’m going to let it ferment for a while, and then I’m going to take it out.I said yes, so I ‘m going to aim for about 30 minutes, so

30 minutes. I’ll take that as a guide and take a look at it once , and if it’s okay, I’d like to move on to the plastic surgery.I’ll mix the ingredients in and then do the plastic surgery.I said yes, so wait a minute. Yes, everyone Hello everyone, it’s not snowing here, right?

There was about 3cm of snow on the roof yesterday or yesterday, and it’s been snowing little by little every day, so the snow on the roof hasn’t melted at all. So, the roof is still completely white, and of course

The road is still a little rainy when cars pass by, so it’s gone, but it’s cold anyway.The temperature is really cold. Hello, Hana- chan, 97-year-old mother, how are you? Please check back later. Hi Nicorin-san, please make both.

It’s much easier to make them separately in that small container. Just mix them together. It’s easy and you can take them out one by one, so you can take them out one by one. Hello Mr. M. Hello Furby. I’m glad I tried making them. Hello, Mr. Matsu. Hello,

Hello, cat. I mixed the batter in a hurry earlier. Amazing Manana-san Hello Ina Homi- san Hello Muroo-san Hello Miki Bus Hello Kano’s mom Hello Yuzuka Rin-san Hello Kimura-san Sendai There are still days when it snows Oh, after all, Tohoku This place is still called Hokuriku. Since we face the Sea of ​​Japan

, we are affected by the sea breeze, so it’s been really cold this week.Haru-san, hello, Yuki-san, hello, Leiden-san, hello. Makama-san, thank you very much.If you are going to make it with plain dough, please use 70% water content.That’s 70% of the flour.So, the logic is 150, so it’s 105g, right

?105g. Water content is no. Hello Aya-san, Tokyo is a rice field. Hello, Sasagu-san, Chikako-san. Hello, Mama Pochi-san. I voted before. Oh, it was good. Hello, Iris-san. Hello, Su-san. Hello. Yes, Hello, Enorinori-san. Mr. Nicoli, I don’t have any orange beer, so I’m thinking of adding something similar to gold.Oh yeah,

I looked for orange beer, but it didn’t look like it had been used, so I used this.I boiled some demon and made a shape of it. Leave it in its shape and cut it into large pieces.It’s similar

, but I sometimes serve it as a snack and eat it, but I thought it was just like this.It has a sour taste and doesn’t have a strong aroma like Yuzu. However, the peach

Is a little sweet and sour, so I thought it would be just right, so I decided to add it in. Hello Emegu, Yuzuka Karin, Sapporo is about the same temperature. Did you all make ohagi

? I think it was a wish on the vernal equinox day, so I think it would have been nice to make those handmade ohagi at times like that in spring, so you can make them any time you like . It’s really easy to boil Ogiha and Akihane, so if

You’ve ever thought it was difficult, please give it a try.It’s easy to cook in a regular pot, so don’t worry about it anymore. Hello Eri- san, it’s raining in Osaka, it’s raining in Nagasaki, everyone is raining

, it’s raining here too, it’s raining, it’s raining, but it was so cold in the morning that I thought it was snowing. Hello Shiga Mickey, I’ve been baking campanio twice since this morning. It’s amazing, Mickey Bass. It’s my daughter’s graduation ceremony right now. It’s true that I

Have to have a stove for every graduation ceremony . I wonder if it’s Atelia Hello Kashimiyari – san Hello Megu-san Hello TK-san Hello Kawasaki Mameun Is the strength of the flour and the moisture content correct? The dough is sticky, but

The moisture content and the amount of water in the cooking process are uh, summary section. What did I post in that boiling water and milk? That’s the water content. I wrote at the bottom that it was lukewarm, but that means

If you’re doing it with just water, you’re saying it’s just lukewarm water. When you don’t add milk, you just use water, so you don’t have to cook. I’m planning to add about 70% of the water content, so if you get sticky, you may have added the 120g below

. Also, there’s no yeast, sugar, or salt.If you don’t double the amount of everything except the water, it might not be right.Rie-san, Nekota Saru-san, please try making it later.Meki-san. Hello, I didn’t mix the powder together and it turned into a marble. That’s right.

It turns out to be a marble. So when I try to mix it up, I need a lot of force , so if I mix it first, it’s a hassle. But on the other hand, I think you don’t have to use as much force when making the dough.I

Was thinking of adding chocolate zip to the matcha, white chocolate, and cocoa, but the orange peel is the same. I think the cocoa and orange peel are really delicious. Hello Arika- san. Also, Hoshizora-san. Hello. Hello Keron-san. I’ll just watch. I’m really tired, that’s it.

Please take a rest when that happens. Really, Nami Kobayashi. I’m sorry. I may have written 120g in a row. Everyone, please try not to make mistakes. The water content is basically powder. Keep in mind that it’s around 70%, or around 70%. Otherwise, if you don’t do that, it

‘s a big mess, so add more flour. Please add it and make it just right Yes, Fuwari Fuwari-san Hello Yu-san Hello Rabbit-san Hello, uh, where did you go? I went with Byun, here we come, uh, Masuda-san, and Keron-san, hello Moru no Sono- san. Hello, I’m making Ako. Yes, I’m sorry, Eka’s mom.

You should delete that 120g of water. I can’t do it right now, but 120g of lukewarm water is the amount of water without milk, so I’m sorry, it was confusing. I’m sorry, everyone, please be careful and don’t make this mistake. The

Only thing you can add is boiling water and milk. Yes, Shizuko-san Hello Emura Onion- san Hello Yuzu Karin-san Sapporo Temperatures aren’t getting too high. It’s sunny. Hey Yellow Freesia Yes. Hello Yoko-san Yuri Yurime-san Tatan-sansa-san Oita 21° Wow wonderful Eyoko-san Kazuyama Momo Miko-san Hello Sawa-san Hello Keiko-san Yes Hello Haru-san

I made ohagi yesterday while watching the archive of the live broadcast from the other day. My mother, Giri’s mother, ate 6 pieces in 2 days. It’s amazing when there are people who eat like that. Hello Shizu-san Hello Keron-san and I bought some rice and left it as

Is. No, when I’m tired. Hey, just laze around. Just laze around. Just laze around. When you’re tired of lazing around, you’ll get motivated. You don’t have to force yourself to do that. It’s okay. Yes, Yoshiko- san. Hello, Ekami-san. I made butter rolls. Well , where did you go? Mr. Smiling

, how many times should I put it in the oven? The maximum temperature is 45° or 40°. As for the fermentation temperature, please keep it warm. Hello, I made a regular hagi. I put the kinako and sesame fish inside and it was still delicious the next day. It was great.

Yes, TK-san ate the black fried sea bream again. I liked it. I love that too, but… Instead of black vinegar, if you add a little balsalt balsamic if you have it, it will change the atmosphere a little bit, so please eat it without getting bored while making changes little by little.Yes,

Usagi-san Hello Chikako Butter rolls in the morning Everyone is making butter rolls quite a lot. Onion boy. Yesterday, I baked stick bread with dried fruits, walnuts, and chocolate in the morning. I baked pizza at night and baked white bread this morning. It looks like an amazing bakery. Hello Mr. Cheesecake Hello Mr.

Panpan from Ebudo I just got back from the baking class Oh wow wow what did you make? Yuyuri I made some ohagi Yes thank you everyone for making ohagi (me too) After that

, my daughter came over and I ate it with her, but she’s really young now so she doesn’t eat a lot.I think she ate more when she was a child, but now she’s around this age. I don’t eat cod roe at all, so I ended up freezing it because there was

So much leftover, but I’m looking forward to it.I froze it one by one, so I thought I’d eat it as a snack. Even now, if you freeze it while it’s freshly made, it’ll still be very soft even if you don’t

Cook it, so it’s better to freeze it as soon as possible. When I thaw this kind of rice , it’s soft and easy to eat without really stirring, and when I do, I feel like the dark parts get dry, so I don’t really like it.Also,

When I do things like this, The whole thing is like, first of all, the food gets warmer, and the food gets a little colder, and the balance is a little strange, so if it’s cold, I think it’s fine if it’s cold . Yes, everyone, please

Feel free to make that ohagi anytime you like, so why not bring some ohagi with you to cherry blossom viewing? Please feel free to try making it too. I’m addicted to stir-fried burdock root.I think it’s best to stir-fry it with burdock root.The dark taste of burdock root goes

Really well with it.I like to add a little hidden flavor to the inside of the burdock root. Also, there is a little bit of garlic in it , but it works really well, and you

Can really use it as a garnish for both Japanese and Western food.If you store it in the refrigerator, it will last for about a week. You can also freeze the burdock, which will make it a little softer, but it’s really natural and delicious as it is.I think

It would be good to have it as a lunch box snack or something like that.Hello Saracchi, this is my first time. Hey, please take a look, mm-san, it’s true that the summary

Section looks a bit like that.I can’t fix it right now, so I’m sorry.I wonder if I can fix it.I’ll try to fix it.I wonder if it can be fixed.Please wait a moment.For those who view it in the archive, please

Don’t make this mistake. Please, I’m sorry for saying this so late. I’m sorry if I’ve made a mistake. I’ve written many times before. I wonder if I can fix this again. I wonder if I can fix this again . Well, Mr. Cheesecake, my daughter

Is the same way. She ate it a lot when she was little, but she doesn’t really eat it anymore. Until she was in middle school, she was already eating amazing foods, so I made a lot of them too. Right now, I feel like I’m eating food for a little bird.When

I eat it, I just eat it, but I feel like that’s okay, so I don’t have any competition.[Music] Hey, Yuri-san Ohagi My husband praised it as the most delicious thing he’s ever had.Oh, it was really good.I wonder if it was sweet enough for the husband’s taste.Yes, Mikki Ishikawa.My

3-year-old grandson had kinako for the first time. It seems like I’m not good at memorization.I’m not good at memorization.I eat it for my lunch at work.You know, rice is all about water anyway.Normally, even when I cook rice, I have to add water.I don’t know how much.30

Even though it says that it can be refilled in about a minute, it is completely different compared to water that has been refilled overnight.I wonder what it is like to say that the rice feels moist or fluffy. I also think that rice that is properly watered

Is less likely to become dry when it deteriorates after it cools down, so if you have the time, I think it’s a good idea to water it properly. I’m worried about it in the summer , and I’m also worried that the water will get a little warm over night and the rice

Will go bad, but if it’s this time of year, I don’t have to worry about that at all. I think it’s definitely more delicious to have rice before bed and then set it up in the morning.I’m sure there are many people who have already done it that way, but I

Guess it’s just like this when you wake up in the morning and grind your teeth. It feels completely different from just putting it out and cooking it right away.However, if you want it to be a bit like pilaf, or like stir-fried fried rice,

If you want the rice to be firm and flaky. I let it sit for about 5 minutes and then it cooks right away.Yesterday, I made a rice-cooked pilaf, but it’s called a pilaf, or rather, it’s like a pilaf . Reduce the water content by about 10% and freeze that spinach.

I had some spinach that I had already cut and chopped and frozen raw, and I put it on top, and then I added seafood mix, shrimp, then scallops, squid, and seafood mix. I added a little more to that,

Melted the ice with a little water, put it on rice while it was still frozen, made some consomme, added a piece of butter, and then added a little salt and strainer. It’s better to season it after it’s cooked, so it ‘s already cooked, so I’m going to

Put all the ingredients on it, and it’ll take about 15 minutes to turn it on, and then I ‘ll cook it for about 30 minutes. So, in about 45 minutes, the rice pilaf is ready, and when it’s done cooking, the butter is spread all over the ridges, and then I

Taste it, and if it’s not enough, I sprinkle a little salt on it and it’s done . It was really delicious.The seafood mix was also kind of mushy.When I received a huge amount of that frozen spinach,

I wondered what to do with it, but I washed it, chopped it, and froze it right away. So I just put it on top of the frozen rice, and it looks a little like this.It’s not basil, but it has a nice aroma, so

It’s a little green in color.That green rice with a pattern still on it. It turned into a pilaf, so it was really delicious.When I ate it after it was cooked, it was so delicious that I wanted to drink it without chewing.I highly recommend it to everyone.When

Making that pilaf, etc. I told her that we don’t have to do that.Hmm, Haru-san, my daughter doesn’t like the feeling of not knowing whether it’s rice or mochi, so she won’t eat it at all.That’s right . Well then, why don’t you just put that onion on your rice?Maybe you don’t

Like the way it looks when it’s crushed.I’m sure that’s right.Yes, the cat, I made a hagi.That’s right, the ako is the ako, or should I say the azuki bean paste.After all, it can be boiled. It’s quick so it’s not that difficult. It takes about an hour. After

Boiling it for about an hour, it becomes quite soft, and then you add sugar and simmer it for another hour. If you check it from time to time to make sure the water doesn’t run out properly, it’s really good because it doesn’t really need to be left alone anymore

. Now that it has arrived, make kimchi. Please make it. I have already made it many times this winter, and even outside of winter. If you make the kimchi sauce, you can mix it with the cabbage. And what is that? Add a little bit of radish.

You can use it with all kinds of things, such as salting it and mixing it with it.My favorite is celery kimchi, which is made by cutting celery into thin pieces, salting it, and squeezing it tightly. Well, I just mix the ingredients for the kimchi, but it’s really delicious.I also like celery, so

It’s really delicious.I made tuna fish with pampas from Budo, and it’s great for adults. It was well-received.I guess children don’t like dark time.I wonder if it’s the way I used to eat when I was a child, so I wonder if it’s any different now.I

Have a suspicion that I’m feeding the birds. I’m looking at you a little sideways, thinking, “There’s no way it’s enough,” but Yuri -san, I have orange peel today, so I’ll do my best. Please do your best. Yes, Jerry- san. I started, and here I made it by pseudo doubling it,

And it’s amazing.I’m just mixing the dough , so it’s risen quite a bit.How many more minutes do I have left?There’s still about 10 minutes left.Maybe I should add some hot water . I’m going to add some hot water. Matsu-san,

It seems like my daughter has become accustomed to eating alone and can’t eat as much as she should. That’s right. I guess that’s what happens when you eat alone. Monoe-san, the ohagi feels dry. I know, I know, I understand. That’s right

. I feel like that part of the red bean paste is dry. I think that’s a bit strange. Hi Juna-san, yes, Champagne-san. Hello, it’s not cocoa but chocolate syrup like Hershey’s. Can you make it by mixing it together? Ah, chocolate syrup. It’s best not to add too much. That dough

Tends to get hard, so I also reduce the amount of sugar. Hmmm, what about chocolate syrup? I’ve never used it before. However, I think

It would be better to reduce the amount of water a little, reduce the amount of sugar, mix it with the water, and then add it to the dough.I think it would be a good idea to check the color. Hey

, Neko-san, why are there people who like Anko and people who don’t like her? Well, that’s it, but there are some people who don’t like the sweet beans of the beans that aren’t that. It’s like that. I guess that’s why my cat has

Always been scared of sorghum beans. Ever since she was little, she’s been scared of beans. She’s scared of the small peas, so she used to run away whenever those beans came out. I guess that’s something like that, I don’t really know. I wonder if there’s something like a hands-on experience.The

Frozen spinach in Rabbit Masan Pilaf is frozen raw.I keep it raw quite a bit.Well, I freeze cabbage, and I also freeze Chinese cabbage.And then there’s spinach, spinach, etc. When I have a lot of Komatsu, I don’t boil it, I just freeze it, so if I

Add it to miso soup or thaw it, it becomes a mess, so if you want to mix it with something, it’s okay. When it comes to things like mixing things up or adding them to miso soup, I guess that’s exactly what happens. You can eat them without worrying about them

, but there are times when there’s just a little bit left over, so if that’s the case, just freeze it. I freeze a lot of things because I think it’s better than letting them rot.It’s very convenient to cut carrots into thin pieces and freeze them, so vegetables are surprisingly raw and frozen. But

If you want to improve the color or the texture, just soak it in hot water for about 10 seconds, flatten it like this, and freeze it.The color will become beautiful.Yes , Mr. Yamakawa, please try bread. Please try making it. Hello Ejiko-san.

I’m at work today. Please look at me while I’m working. Good luck. I’d like to make sanhon pilaf. Please make it. All I have to do is put it on top of rice. Just cooking it is true.I think

The great thing about rice cooked like this is that it has all kinds of nutrients in it all at once.It’s been a long time since I’ve cooked rice like this. I made pilaf , and it was delicious. Yeah, Yoko-san, I made strawberry melon bread, but

It didn’t ferment very well during the fermentation stage, so that’s right. When I made yeast pizza, it was issued when I made pizza, so that means it’s not yeast. Isn’t it? Well, it doesn’t look like it’s fermenting that much. It’s small and the balls are

So it should take some time to be released , but maybe it was that, or maybe it was a little cold. Please warm up the dough for a moment.Yes , Mr. Nicoli.How many grams of white chocolate can I use in my matcha?I don’t add Poet chocolate to my matcha, but I have

About 70g of Japanese warbler beans prepared right now.That’s about it. Why don’t you think about it between 50 and 70 ?The ingredients are listed in the book, so in the book, orange peel is 50g, and white chocolate is 50g, so it ‘s like 50 each. TK-san,

I was thinking of making celery kimchi today.Oh wow, it’s so delicious.It’s so delicious.I love that celery kimchi. The mitsuba leaves are a bit luxurious, but I really like that type of kimchi, so be sure to use the celery leaves as well.The leaves are also delicious, so

Yeah, definitely Tomorin-san, I personally use strong flour for 140 yen, oh yeah, and 140 yen. As I wrote, today I’m going to write about the matcha part as well, so I set it to 150. I feel like 150 might

Be a bit stiff when mixing, but either is fine. I don’t think there’s that much of a difference. So either way is fine, so 140, 145, or 150 is fine. Think about that roughly. Mr. Almond Hoshizora, what is almond paste? It’s a paste . I mean, is it sweet? I don’t

Know. It’s like kneaded sesame seeds. If you want to put it in, you can put it in. Well, when you make it into a stick shape, you can just put it in there. Mr. Kanetaka-tan When I was a child, I also ate red bean paste and oshiko, but I

Didn’t really like them that much.I preferred kinako mochi, kinako mochi, odaaki kinako mochi, and dango momitarashi.Oh, that’s true when I was a child. Hanemi-darashi-mitarashi is the best. That Yamazaki mitarashi dango used to have 6 pieces in it. It was a dream of mine to eat it all by myself

, but I wonder if that dream came true? I forget , but I was thinking that I wanted to eat all 6 pieces of Yamazaki’s dango mitarashi dango all by myself, but since I was with 3 brothers, I could only eat 2 at most. I felt like there was no such thing.

Nostalgic Iko-san. It’s raining and cold in Mie. It’s cold in Mie too. Where did you buy the Tappa? Tappa is a Ziploc series that is normally sold at supermarkets like this one. Hey, it’s swollen up quite a bit. Yes, it’s like this one from Ziploc. Well, the 100 yen shop

Sells something similar right now, so it’s not like it has to be this one, but it’s matcha. It’s still rising quite a bit. Is it okay to let it rise a little more? Let’s start with the cocoa first. Let’s warm it up a little bit. Now, everyone, let’s start with the matcha dough

. Yes, the matcha dough. As for the dough, let’s go ahead and add this to the matcha dough.This is this, this is the yuzu, that’s that.It’s similar to a demon, but I’m going to cut this into small pieces.I wonder if there’s any water in it. It turned out really delicious,

But if I boiled it any longer, it would burn, and if I boiled it, it would burn, so even though I left it open, I let it dry out a bit, but I couldn’t make it any more than that.It ended up looking like a jelly candy. I’m going to chop it

Up a little bit, and then I ‘m going to cut it up a little bit, and this is almost like this. This is the meat. That cotton part becomes like this jelly . It took a lot of effort, but even though it’s here, you can eat it. It ‘s delicious. I

Wonder if it ‘s connected. Is it a little bit too much? It’s a lot. It’s a little too much. How many grams should it be? It should be about 7050. It should be about 50, so let’s just measure the total amount . Yes, it was over 80 ,

But I’m thinking of adding some chocolate, so I’m going to add 50g of chocolate and 20g of chocolate.I only had a little bit of this, so I’ll use something like this Yuzu Yunoe Glacé along with this. I want to mix it into this. It’s already

Swollen enough. It’s already fluffy, so I’m going to put this in here and mix it all in. Okay, roughly roughly. Once it’s mixed, I’ll take it out . Okay, is this okay? If it’s fermented properly, it won’t stick to the container like this, so I

Think it would be a good idea to use that as a guide for fermentation. So after you take it out here, just touch it here and there so that the ingredients are completely covered. Please take a look at the cheesecake. You can also use yuzu marmalade,

But please add as many ingredients as possible. If you end up with a lot of this and less of this , the thickness will change the next time you issue it, so touch it like this as much as possible to make sure it’s spread all over, and then divide it into 3 parts

1236 Okay. Is it something like this ? Then , I’m going to go ahead and spread this out a little bit where there’s no toppings . Gently spread it out where it looks like there’s no toppings as much as possible to make it into an egg shape

. It’s coming out a little bit.If you spread it out like this, it will come out, so to prevent it from coming out, spread out the area where there is no ingredients like this and make it a little egg-shaped.Also , add some scales and the ingredients. I’m going to trap

The filling in the middle of the blank area , and I’m going to make sure to secure the back side. It ‘s going to look like this , so I’m going to make it into a big circle . Now, I’m going to prepare

The baking sheet. Since I rolled it up, I think the dough may have shrunk a little and become difficult to stretch, so I’m going to leave it here for about 5 minutes and let it rest.I think it will stretch out a lot.Okay , okay

. I’m going to stretch it out a little bit, so when I’m stretching it out, I’m going to make it stick once more neatly like this, and I’m going to make it as long and thin as possible, and then I’m going to roll it a little bit, so I’m going to

Roll it a little bit and stretch it left and right like this, and then I’m going to make sure it’s tight. If you press it, it will make a dent in that area and the ingredients will tend to get uneven, so here you have to be really gentle and

Gently spread it out like this.If you spread it out gently like this, it can’t be helped even if some of the ingredients come out.So what? Is it going to be stretched to 30cm? It’s a little more than 30cm. It’s a bit difficult to stretch if there’s too much powder here,

So please stretch it out gently so it doesn’t tear like this. Yes, I wonder if it’s like this. Yes, this is 30cm. I may have put too much of the filling in. Hey, let me paste this one time, let me paste the dough,

And then roll it with the dough attached . It might be better to put it on my hand rather than under that table. No, it’s better if there isn’t too much powder on the underside of the table so it doesn’t slip.Spread it out little by little.Let ‘s make it stick like

This.Now we’ve made 3 pieces. This is a slightly thick braid , or rather the overall shape is a bit slanted, like an oval shape, so I think the length should be around 30cm. So at that time,

I think you can decide the length of this braid depending on what shape you want it to be. First, attach the ends here once, and then put the braid in the middle . This is about to break. Wait a minute. What should I do with this ? Yes,

I’ll stop it again in the same way at the end. The beginning tends to come loose after all. Okay, so I’m going to remove this one more time, and I want it to look like this, so I’m going to adjust it a little bit like this.At the beginning, it’s

Going to be a little loose at the start, so now we’re going to ferment for the second time . At this time, just tap the upper part a little bit to adjust the height of this braid a little, and the shape will look nice.Also,

To make sure it’s connected properly, click a little inward. If you carefully turn the seam over, it will look nice.It looks like this.This is the second fermentation.Where did it go? 22nd fermentationHold it in the oven at 40° or 45°C for 30 minutes. I’m going to use minutes as a guide.I’m

Going to warm it up for about 1 minute, about 2 minutes, and then I’m going to let it ferment.While I was saying that, the matcha dough also swelled quite a bit.Yes , it looks like this, so I’m going to use this as well. I

‘d like to mix the toppings together. This is pretty big, but I can’t help it. It’s a bit big, so I’ll mix it later. I won’t mix it now, because it’s too big. So I’m going to do the method of mixing it up when knitting it in different ways. First

, I’m going to take out just the dough. Well, it came out. So, I’m going to remove the bath for a little bit. This is because the Japanese warbler beans are quite large, so I’ll braid them later. Mix it in once in a while. It ‘s a little soft. Let it degas

, then add this in. I set it at 45° for 30 minutes. Now, let’s divide the dough into 3 equal parts. 100 100 Yes, this is what I did earlier. In the same way as before, I’m going to make it a little egg-shaped.This time, I’m still going to

Look for a place that doesn’t have a ridge, and I’m going to make it stick a little tighter.Yes, I’m going to leave it there for a moment.What do you all think ? [ Music] The bread from Mr. Sasagu’s book that I received is

Complete with baking in the oven.Awesome, today’s braided bread is #1 on repeat.Awesome, the matcha torn bread is a little loose, probably because I made the wrong amount of moisture . That’s right,

It’s easier to make matcha bread with a dough like this or one with a lower water content.It tends to get sticky when mixed, so you’ll have to be a little careful about that.Something like that. It’s better to think about it.When

You add matcha, you think it’s okay to use normal water, but when you add cocoa, there’s a lot of radiation, so it’s better to add a little more water. I think it’s better to leave it out.Mr. Nikkori, I think I’ll add white chocolate to the matcha.Anything is fine.Yes, chocolate chips or chocolate.Yes

, Mr. Cheesecake.The yuzu topping is the peel. It’s not partial skin, it’s cotton. Cotton skin is also skin. I made it into a peel, but it’s gone now, but I don’t know what to say. Isn’t there a cotton version

? That white part between the river is cotton, right? When you boil that part, it’s really delicious. It becomes something like a gummy candy, so you can put some crab in it and it looks similar to that. So

Between that crab and the cotton. There’s a bit of a thin, hard part of the skin, which surprisingly has a bit of texture left behind, but it’s already in that lump state, so I cut it off and cut it into pieces. It’s like cutting them into pieces and then boiling them.The

Excess sugar comes in, and that excess yuzu also comes out of it.I boil it with just sugar, but it brings out a lot of bad stuff, so anyway. I took something very similar and put it on a wire rack to

Dry it a little in the oven, but it didn’t dry out very well and it ended up looking a little half-baked . But it took about 2 days because I kept boiling it on low heat, wondering what temperature would be best, so it took about 2 days,

But I turned off the oven and put it back on. Well , in the end, when you eat it like this, it has a texture similar to that of a common fruit gummy, and the cotton part in particular becomes like a jelly.There’s pectin in it, so it’s like a jelly. Yes, it’s delicious.

Yes, Peach Peach. Please mix the ingredients after the box is finished. Both are fine, but chocolate and other things like that tend to melt anyway. Also, since it’s like a peel , if water comes out, it might make it a little harder to ferment next time, so I

Think it’s better to let the dough ferment enough before you mix the ingredients.Especially this time . Since the article is in small quantities, I think it would be better if you use a small amount.Yes, yes, please do make that.Momo-san, when I added the bar of chocolate, the dough got too warm,

So it melted and became a sticky tree. Well, I guess the dough was really warm, right? Well, in that case, yeah, like right now, this is an article that doesn’t have anything in it, but it’s just like that bar of chocolate, and it just melts in your mouth. If it’s something like that

, it might melt, so I’m going to do it from now on, but I think it would be a good idea to use this as a reference for future shaping. So I’m going to make this into a stick again

, but at that time, I’m going to make it stick a little bit like this, and I’m going to stretch it a little bit like this, and I’m going to make this into a stick.I think I’ll make it a little longer. It’s a little slippery at the bottom.

How long is it? 45cm. I made it 45cm. Oh, I forgot to put it on a little bit. Let me put it on. It’s still slippery. I wonder if it’s okay if it’s just a little bit more. Yes, and let me put this on a little bit as well. Then, if

The lower part is smooth, it won’t stretch easily, so if you wipe it with a wet cloth, it will stretch a lot.It broke, so I guess this is okay.It’s a little long, so I ‘m going to put it sideways. I’m going to adjust the length a little bit

, and I’m going to put the beans here. I’m going to cut it into roughly 3 equal parts, and even if it’s OG , it might melt if it’s chocolate. Also, it’s okay because it’s beans, but beans, walnuts, etc. are a little bit okay. If it’s like that, then yes,

I’m going to press this a little bit to see how this will turn out, and I’m going to make this into a braid. Should I close this after all ? Wait a minute and close

It. Yes, just a little bit. Close the eyes. Turn them downwards a little bit and go from there. It’ll start, but I’ll close everything for now.If you want to add large ingredients other than those beans, this might be a better way to fit them evenly.I feel like there

Might be a plant like this. Turning the part upside down so it’s facing down makes me feel like there’s a plant like this, a long bean like this, but it seems like it does exist.If you go around the world, you might not find it in Japan, but there are a lot of

Different parts of the world. If you say Africa, it seems like something like Southeast Asia . It’s better to make it a little stronger at the beginning. It’s okay. Just keep putting it in the middle more and more. Now , the dough will double in size, so if it gets too tight, it

Will end up feeling too tight, so give it some leeway so that it doesn’t get too tight when it rises. I think it’s going to look pretty. It’s a little different from the hair, so it’s going to double in size again from here . So let’s fix

This side a little bit. This is it. It’s going to look like this. It’s going to look like this . This is a little bit of a ring. So I connected it like this, and I wonder if all the beans are dry.What is this?It comes out

Like this.If you make it longer like this, you can also make it into a wreath shape like this.Just put some more beans on it. Let ‘s put it on the joint of the kota.I wonder if it will look cool on it.It looks like a royal necklace.Alright,

I’d like to let this one ferment as well.It’ll take a little bit of time , but let’s ferment it like this. I wish I had found something better at the joint, but I’m looking forward to seeing what the fermented state will look like.Okay,

Okay, I don’t need this stand. For now, let’s wipe it clean like this. Once you’ve wiped off the rest of the fabric and powder with a scraper, all you have to do is wipe it in the wet area like this. Then you’ll feel like you’re done cleaning it and leave it as

It is. It’s not that difficult since I keep it in good condition and keep it upright.I noticed that a lot of people wash it, so please don’t wash it. Please don’t use too much water on wooden products that are made of plywood as they can crack, the paint on the surface

May peel off, etc. I think it would be good with matcha, but what else would go well with it? I added Japanese warbler beans today, but I think something like walnuts or something like that would be fine, but is there anything else that would be good

? Kanema white chocolate I think it would definitely go well with it.That’s why I used white chocolate in that book , but for some reason I ended up using it the other day .[Music] Alright , let’s have some tea. Yes, how are you all doing? Have you finished your plastic surgery ? [Music]

Uh, Mr. Yamakawa, my hand was hurting, so I ate it at home. Oh yeah, I think it’s fine if Hobekari does it for me, but this method is really good. It’s really not that difficult, as you can just mix it a few times with a rubber spatula. Yeah,

It looks like it’s got long hairs and burrs, so I’m not sure. Everyone, I think this method is okay when you put something that big. I think that when you mix it, if it’s a large ingredient, it tends to be uneven, and it may end up coming out of the dough,

So if you use the method I mentioned earlier , you can knit it neatly while it’s inside the dough, so you don’t have to worry too much about it. Don’t think too hard about it, just try different things.Yes, it does look like an octopus.I

Think I posted a video of it at Christmas before.I feel like I gave it a wreath bread, but it’s the same as that one . It’s a pretty huge wreath bread, so I made some cuts and made some cuts, but if it’s as thin as Mako’s, I

Think it’s probably okay to bake it as is. Hey, let’s have some tea . Let’s have some tea, everyone, if you’ve had your plastic surgery done. Let’s have some tea. What should we drink? Should I have something like that? Should I

Have Jasmine? Jasmine tea. Jasmine tea called Molly Bircher. Jasmine tea. The color doesn’t come out that much, and I guess that’s fine since good tea doesn’t come out with color, but somehow I end up waiting for the color to come out , so I soften it a little

And make it into a ring. That’s cute, Nami- san, yes, Yoshiko-san. Beans are beans, no matter where you cut them. Yes, Rika-san, yes, they’re like Christmas wreaths. They’re not just for Christmas, but they have a round shape like this. It’s really cute. You could give it as a gift to someone. I

‘ve put that necklace on the seam that looks like a charm, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out after it’s baked. Yes, with Jiko Yamamoto’s core. I think it’s okay to ferment the matcha on one baking sheet.If you can do it in two tiers, you can use two tiers

, or if you can arrange them on one baking sheet, you can use one tepa. It takes a lot of time to shape the braids, so I think it would be nice if they could be done at the same time, and

If one of them ends up under-fermented, it would be a shame, so I’d like to bake both in good condition as much as possible. Please do this for a moment.I’m halfway through making the matcha dough, so I don’t know what will happen.I’m about halfway through, so I’m

Starting with the core below being issued, so I’ll bake it later, a little later. I think it’s going to be like that, but yeah, Rikako-san, Arika-san, hello, yes, please check it out, Mr. Cheesecake, the Japanese

Warbler, the bean, the bean, the bean, and the bean. Where is that, not Tomizawa Shoten, but somewhere? That big 2kg thing. I buy a plastic bag every time, so it’s a huge amount, but I divide it into small portions, about 200g each, and put them in small zippered bags

And freeze them. It doesn’t freeze completely, so it doesn’t take much time to defrost it.I enjoy putting it out and eating it when I run out of something sweet to snack on.It has a unique, hearty feeling that I find myself becoming addicted to it. It’s delicious , isn’t it? It’s

Hard to find the bean type of Uguisu Bean in such small quantities, so I always buy it for tea, even though it’s a bit big, about 2 kg. Let’s serve some delicious cookies.Today, I received those oatmeal cookies.I do n’t know what they are, but they look a little homemade.Avia Pierre, Apierale.Something

Like that.Yeah , I’m sure.I braided my daughter’s hair, too. When I was wearing it, I had no idea what to do, but when I did it for the first time in a while, I was wondering which one it was, and which one it was. It also contains things like

Cornflakes and all kinds of nuts. It’s like granola, huh? What ‘s your tea sweets ? Mr. Haru, I’d like to try using Uguisu bean, but

They don’t sell it at my local supermarket, or even in my neighborhood. So it’s the worst for me, too. The worst thing is, I have an anato who uses electricity. I think it’s a bit close to this, but I wonder if this

Is what they sell for results, Japanese sweets, and correct answers.It’s not dried, it’s more like a bean . It feels like nectar, so you can use this as a substitute, but if it’s just a little bit, you can use this as a substitute, but I

Like it because it has all kinds of things in it, so you can use it if you want. I think so However, if you ask the person who always comes to the shop or search on the internet for something like Japanese warbler or black bean, all you

Can find is a huge bag like this, weighing 2 kg , and you have to pay for shipping. Well, I’m taking the plunge and buying it in bulk so I can’t use it all at once, so I divide it up into smaller portions and freeze it. Well,

I don’t think it’s in a place where you can easily buy it. I’ve never seen it before. That ‘s right, Yellow Freezer. Yes, you can use that regular amanatto. It’ll be the same way . Yeah, no. Everyone, it’s not just in Kansai. It’s not sold anywhere. I’ve never seen it

Either, so maybe it’s the students in my classroom. If you want to share it with me, I’ll share it with you when I buy a large quantity. I can’t get it in large quantities, I think the 2kg one is the standard size.When I was running that bakery, I needed

It so I bought it, but they don’t do it anymore. So, you don’t need a lot of ingredients, so it’s a bit of a problem.If you have a large amount of bags, you’ll have a problem.Mr. Shiho added azuki beans to the matcha dough.That’s nice.That

Dynagon. It’s delicious, isn’t it? When I returned to my parents’ home, my mother and son made onions and grilled them with amanatto, and my mother was happy and told me that Annat was doing a good job. It was really nice. Shizuko-san,

It would be great if we could have a buffet at the hot springs . I want to go on a hot spring trip and take a hot spring bath.I heard that this is quite sweet.Ah, Mr. Cheesecake.I still have the leftovers from the one I made in November.I

Still have one left.However, as soon as I cut it, it will be gone soon. Well, I’d like to cut it at some point, Hiko Kimura, I’m drinking Earl Gray tea today. Millet dumplings. Millet dumplings are also delicious.

They have that simple taste, and I wonder if they’re rice. They’re like oatmeal, or rather, they have that granola in them. It’s kind of like granola and pumpkin seeds and stuff like that, so it ‘s pretty sweet. Yeah, it’s been about 9 seconds and it’s swelled up a lot , so

I’m going to do it with a little bit of time difference. I’m going to bake this now, but before I bake it, I’m going to apply a little milk to the surface, but if I’m going to do it at different times, then if I only have one orb right now,

It’s still fermenting when it’s finished fermenting and I’m ready to bake it. There’s one in there that says it ‘s not yet fermented, so if that’s the case

, you can take out something that’s not yet fermented, use it to preheat it, and when you want to ferment it a little more, put it on top of this oven. The top of the oven will get dark, so leave it on there for a little while, or if the dough is

Warmed up properly, it will be quite fluffy and warm, but if the dough is warmed up, it will stay as it is until it’s heated up. The residual heat from the dough will cause the fermentation to proceed surprisingly quickly, so I think that method is fine.Anyway, I think

It would be a good idea to use the oven a little to match this bread, which you can already bake . Well, I have two machines , so it looks like this

, and now it looks like this, and this is the matcha dough, and I’m going to put it on top of this, and if it gets too hot on top of this, I’ll use a net like this. If I put it on the cushion like this

, I’ll open the cushion underneath and put it there, and I’ll bake it at 170 degrees at the temperature that I’m going to preheat the oven below. This is how it heats up , so I put it out in the oven without using the fermentation function, and let it

Wait there for a while, so it’s okay to bake the bread after it’s fermented. It looks like this, so I’m going to finish this off. Well, I’m going to paint it with milk. You can use egg, but milk gives a smoother finish. You can use milk or soy milk

, but here’s a little bit. It’s a little bit here, the ingredients are a little concentrated at that seam, and the ingredients are concentrated here and there, and it’s almost like it’s going to tear, so

I think it’s a little disappointing here, but it’s already here. It’s better not to worry about it too much at this point , so I’m in this situation where I can’t help it, and I ‘ve

Preheated it to 170 degrees , so I’ll wait for a while. Yes, please take a look at everyone’s articles and check them out, TK-san. I’m also eating a healthy Bli Blis Ball.What is Bliss Ball ?It’s like an oatmeal type cat.It’s sold in the black bean corner of Saikyo.Oh yeah, I’m

Sure it’s in the side dishes. Maybe, but those beans are really soft and squishy.The beans I put in today are hard.The beans are hard, so they ‘re like this.I froze them a little. But the beans are really hard

And firm, and even if you push them too hard, they won’t crumble at all. Even if you push them too hard, they’re still this hard. They’re hard, so even when you mix them with bread, they don’t get messy, and this person is known for their

Fluffy texture. It depends on the condition of the beans, right? It’s true that even if you push hard like this, if you apply too much force, they will collapse, but they wo n’t collapse at all. This way, you keep eating them,

Whether it’s boiled beans or black beans. It would be nice if it was something like that , but boiled beans like those beans cannot be used in bread unless they look exactly like each other.Well, I guess it’s not easy, so I took the plunge and bought them in bulk and froze them.

I think it’s better to use a little bit at a time, but when you make things like Japanese warbler bean sticks, they disappear surprisingly quickly.I love that bread.I love that bread. In that sense, I really want to keep

A little bit on hand.So when the bread on top of the top of the bag seems to have already fermented while it’s baking, I can check it just a little bit in front of the top. I’d like to remove it from the top of the oven, but

I think it’s best to put it in a place where it’s a little cold at the bottom. I’m going to publish it, so I wish I was putting it on top of the oven to warm it up a bit before publishing it, but I’d like to bake this for

20 minutes at 170 degrees. 20 minutes, this person. It’s still about 15 minutes. Today’s dough has butter in it , so the dough that has butter in it will rise quite a bit in the oven, so I’ll give it enough time to ferment. However, please

Be aware that it will rise even more in the oven, so whether or not you add butter to the dough will affect how it rises in the oven and how it rises during baking. So, I’m going to use the oven for both of them today.They both have butter in them, so

I think they’ll rise a little bit even when they’re baking in the oven right now.The dough with cocoa and matcha in it is definitely better than the regular Dinosaur Hidake dough. This will cause the bread to not rise well ,

As it tends to look like it’s closed, so if you add too much, it will become hard . Everyone, please be careful. Yes, Mr. TK, Pris Paul has almonds, walnuts, prunes, and cocoa in HoopPro. Break it up Oh, that’s called Bliss Ball Bliss Ball Hmm, it’s healthy, is

N’t it? Nuts, you have to eat them a lot. They sell triangular beans, but they don’t have beans. Triangular beans, cheesecake, warblers. I want to buy a lot of beans, but I have a small house and that freezer is so messy that I have to sort it out again.I don’t

Really need to use the freezer during the winter, but I keep putting it in there. There’s also a lot of things in there, and I’m in trouble.Yes, I ‘ve frozen the Chinese cabbage again, so I

Have to eat that frozen food quickly, and there’s a lot to eat, but I’m going to the supermarket again. When I go to the store, I end up buying something, so I have to avoid going to the supermarket.Anyway, I want to open at least one level of the freezer, but that first level

Doesn’t open easily.What should I do? I don’t know if it’s ok , but it keeps going to the bottom, so I was told that I should store it upright, but even after I put it upright, I couldn’t figure out what was going on and

When I took it out once. I’ve always wondered if there’s a better way to fix it because it gets messed up again and then gets messed up again without fixing it, but it’s best not to put in too much. I guess that doesn’t mean I

Don’t have any leftovers, so I thought I’d put them away, but then I just popped them in. I’m sure that’s not a good idea, but I have to do something with the inside of the fridge, too, and I have a lot to do right now. But maybe it’s just

That I can’t find time to do it right now, or maybe it’s because I don’t know how long it will take.The reason why I can’t get started on it is that even if I try to do it in my free time, I don’t know how long it will take. It’s okay, but

If you don’t have time to organize it, you’ll probably think that it’s frozen, but I’m sure it’s somehow true, but spring is coming and it’s only now that the radishes and Chinese cabbage that I received are… There’s still a lot of produce around here, so all the farmers around here preserve and eat

What they harvest in the fall until January, February, and March. I have to do something to eat that , but I’ve finished all the green onions, and I ‘ve eaten them all, but I still have some Chinese cabbage, and some of the Chinese cabbage, too

. I have to go, and the inside is already getting warmer.As it gets warmer, the sugar starts to rise and it starts to grow more and more.I have to eat it quickly, so I

‘m going to do my best right now.Let’s get the Chinese cabbage done as well. I’ve been eating and doing various things , but right now it’s the spring cabbage season, and cabbage is so attractive, so I just can’t help but go for cabbage, and I feel like I’m in trouble . That’s right,

I need to open up some space in the freezer, but my daughter came over so I think I’ve opened up a little more, but the things that I haven’t finished baking at that time end up going back to the freezer again and again. So, I thought that I needed to sort things out,

So Masaru Nekota joined me late.I have thick slices of dried orange, should I chop them up ? No, but it’s a waste. Isn’t that round dried orange slice delicious? You won’t be able to put it inside unless you chop it up, so

Please chop it up and put it in. Looks delicious, Mr. Hoshizora . I’m making room for the bread. Ai. Well, I have secured space for the cat to put in, but if there is space, I’ll put it in again, so I have a dilemma.No

, I really want something to be done about the coldness of the cat. It doesn’t disappear at all. Everyone’s from the Kanto region. I think it’s probably warmer in the lower part, and I think people in Kyushu are warmer, but yeah, this one is just right. It’s

Probably from around Toyama, Ishikawa, Toyama. It’s going diagonally upwards . I’m worried because I think it’s going to be cold. I wonder if it’s really fermented. I think it’s fine if it gets a little bigger. I think I’ll leave it there until it’s finished baking. How do you like it?

I’ll show you what it looks like.Yes , this is it.It looks a bit like a necklace from a high-end brand, doesn’t it ?It’s called a choker.It’s like a choker.It’s hanging around your neck, and it’s that revealing dress. This is the shape of this bread.I want to leave it for a little longer.The

Bread that I’m baking now will take about 10 minutes, so I’d like to leave it like this for another 10 minutes. The Omami-chan I put on it did a surprisingly good job. I

‘m going to play around with it for a little while. You can leave it here and there from time to time, but if you do too much, you ‘ll fail, so I’ll stop. In this state, in this cat state. I’m going to let it ferment for a bit.It’s swollen up quite a bit.Yamakawa

– san.I think it’s better not to go shopping.I thought that if I brought a small eco bag, I wouldn’t buy it, but I didn’t have one. So, I took it to the cash register so much that I couldn’t get into it,

And when I went to the cash register, I realized that I’d be returning it tomorrow, but on the contrary, I felt embarrassed.I thought it was a failure, but somehow… So I bought an eco bag for a fee, but I was wondering what I was doing with my eco bag, so I

Bought one that wasn’t in a hurry.I was really confused.I have a beech bag named Bamba. It’s off season , so I get a lot of radish from the field.I worked hard to make Fukujinzuke.The radish is free, but it’s definitely seasoning for other things.Seasoning costs money, but it looks delicious with Fukujinzuke.Champagne

-san Tomizawa At the store, moist and sweet is 200g, or maybe that’s it. 200g, yeah, that’s what it is. 200g, yeah, it’s easy to use if it’s around 200g. Surprisingly, it says it should be stored at room temperature,

So I wonder what it is. Apparently, you don’t have to freeze them, but if you’re going to keep them for a long time, I think it’s safer to keep them in the freezer, so I freeze them, but even if I freeze them, I still end up with beans like this. I mean, it

Doesn’t freeze very well at all, so you have to put it in the pan quickly.If you want to use something like this, you can put it in right away, and if you want to eat something, you can put it in quickly.

Just leave it out in the room and it will melt right away, so it’s good for snacks.Oh yeah, it’s really getting wet and it’s getting burnt right now.And it’s almost there , baby. I managed to publish the article that became a rainbow. That’s good. I’m

Sorry. It was really confusing. I made a mistake. I tried not to make a mistake. I made a mistake. Thank you to everyone who is watching in that archive. Please try not to make mistakes. I’m sorry. Really, Bonbon Hello, I was writing about cell phone models, so I came here

To see you. It’s cold and rainy. I wonder if it’s cold and rainy everywhere. Yeah, what happened the other day? Y I was held back a bit by something like mobile , so I was asked if I had some time, and when I asked if I had a model,

I said it would cost 1 yen, and I would get an iPhone 14 for 1 yen, and it would be 1 yen for 2 years. After that, you have to pay something like 4,000 yen for the model

, and after that, you have to pay for the model for 42 years and 2 years. I was told that if I edited the model again before the deadline came, I would get just 1 yen.I wasn’t sure if this was a good deal or not, so

I forgot about the two-year deadline. I thought it might be a really good deal if I didn’t have it, and I wondered how it worked. Because iPhone 14 is now, I guess it’s around 15. If it’s 15, it’s 200,000 yen if it’s a good one. So even

If it’s 14, how much is it? I was told that tens of thousands of people are paying 1 yen a month, but I don’t really believe it . But, if that was really true, I’d think it was weird.I don’t really get it, Shizuko

-san.I went for a short walk to do some shopping, but I ended up wandering around inside the store and my luggage ended up being heavy. That’s right. Well, it’s just me, so I’ve been walking a lot lately.

There hasn’t been much snow this year, so I thought I’d be good at walking, so I’m doing my best. I walk when I go shopping, and I do a lot of other things, but it’s true. I was walking with a small eco bag, but it

Was already sticking out of the eco bag. I was thinking about buying it. I was already on my way home wondering how it turned out like this. I want to stop that from coming home in a taut state.Mr.

Cherry, the dough has become quite loose here as well.The rainbow fermentation is progressing somehow.You guys, when the dough is loose, use flour . It’s best to add some powder to get the right consistency.Even though it’s very strong, the water supply varies depending

On the powder, and it also depends on the season. Well, it varies depending on the temperature , so if it’s a little loose and difficult to work with, I have no choice but to add more powder.On the other hand, if it’s hard, I’d like you to add more water.

Once the dough is made, I can’t add moisture anymore, so I feel like I have no choice but to shape it without using Uchiko as much as possible.But if it’s hard, I can also shape it without using Uchiko

, so that’s how I failed. Since it’s not a failure, it’s not a failure, so if you can make some corrections, no matter what situation you find yourself in, you won’t have to throw it away as if it’s a failure, and

You’ll be able to move forward smoothly. I think so, if it’s too loose, add more flour.If it’s hard, if it seems hard when you first mix it, you’ll have to add some water first.Yes, everyone , it’s swollen quite a bit. So I’ve got about 3 minutes left, so once this comes out,

I’m going to bake this next time.This necklace necklace is amazing.This necklace is amazing.I coated this with milk.When I coat it with milk, the surface becomes a bit smooth .

So, for today’s dough, I want to put it together into one piece like this.If you want to put it together like a braid, you need to bake it for 20 minutes.Or, if you use an oven that doesn’t get up to temperature easily, you can bake it for about 25 minutes.

I think it’s best to have them bake it for about 15 minutes if you’re baking it in pieces, but if you’re baking it in one large piece like this, you should bake it for at least 20 minutes at 170°. That’s because I don’t want to add too much color, so

If I want to make it really brown, I ‘ll set it to 200 degrees or over 200 degrees, and then I ‘ll make a little hole here, a little hole here, a little gap here. It’s okay, it ‘s okay. It’s swollen

, it’s swollen. Cocoa is about to come out. When the cocoa comes out, I’ll put this in. There’s probably some empty space on my cell phone. I ‘m probably thinking something is wrong. That’s why I’m a little suspicious that there must be something behind this, so even if they say something like that

, it’s scary after signing a contract , Shizuko-san, of each mobile phone company. Competition is fierce, so it seems like it would be a good idea to switch frequently and receive benefits from campaigns.It’s true that right now is the time to enroll, join a company, or switch to a cell phone or smartphone

. Yes, Mr. Furby, I started walking with a backpack, which made it easier because I could put a lot of things I bought in there.No, no, no, no, no, I shouldn’t buy it.It’s true.A backpack is good.And

Yes, it’s too big. I don’t have any, Mr. Boo Fukumaru-san, when the contents of the freezer run out, I’m thinking of what to do as an emergency food in case something happens, so I can’t get rid of them all at once.Oh , it’s burnt. Hey, I’ll put

This in next time . Okay, 20 minutes left. I ‘ll show you a little bit here at the end, but it didn’t stop at the end. Look, this one here. It’s a little off here. It didn’t stop well . Well, I can’t help it.What ‘s the matter with that?

What happened to that? Let’s take a picture.If you take it from this side, let ‘s cut it a little.I’d like to cut it to see how it looks.Chichi Chichia, can you see it here? I’m going to cut the cross section in half. I ca

N’t really see it. I don’t really understand it, but this slightly transparent lump is a yuzu peel. It’s a yuzu peel. It also has chocolate in it, so I’m sure. I think it’s delicious, and when you apply milk, it becomes a bit silky like this,

So if you want to add a little shine, I think you can apply it with egg wash or something like that. You might be able to use just the egg whites. I don’t want to add any color , so the cut side looks like this. It’s fluffy and fluffy. So

I’m going to try and eat it a little bit, but right now, the chocolate is still melted. How about the yuzu peel ? Yeah, that sweet and sour taste is good. It’s delicious . It’s hot. Yeah, it’s delicious. It’s probably too much

To eat all of this. But, I might not be able to stop eating just a little bit more. Yes, it’s delicious. This is coffee. Coffee. Yes, everyone is delicious.I added yuzu yuzu peel today , but orange peel, lemon peel, etc.

Are a bit mature, but they go well together.I also added chocolate, so it’s quite luxurious. I’ve become a fan of that, so from now on, the matcha will be baked right now, so that’s right. What should

We have for dinner today ? Please tell me what you’re having for dinner. Since we have salmon , I said, “ Maybe I should have salmon.” Hiko Kimura is eating more and more as she goes.It ‘s time to relax.I’m sure I’m hungry.I

Ate a cookie earlier, but Nenahomi-san, I made matcha dough today, so next time I’ll make it with core dough and add orange peel chocolate. After all, it might have been better to make it a little more finely.

When you mix it in, it’s easier to mix it in, and it doesn’t come out easily on the surface , so I can’t wait for the matcha. Let’s eat this. Naumma, this goes perfectly with Peel Peel and

Chocolate. It’s chicken wings. It looks delicious. Chicken wings. I also have chicken. I have chicken. I also have salmon. I have to do something with the salmon. I wonder if it ‘s a tata tata pot or a hot pot.I

Think I’ll make a chicken hot pot.TK-san, it’s burnt.The twigs I put on top aren’t burnt.The twigs I put on top are funny.Hiko Kimura.Tonight , we’ll have octopus rice, miso soup, pork, and vegetables. It’s stir-fried. Wow, the gorgeous octopus rice looks delicious.

Jiko Yamamoto is going to make Keema curry for tonight’s dinner. Oh, Kima curry. I’m just looking at those words, but I’m imagining everyone’s dinner and it looks delicious. So I’m going to use it as a reference

Because I haven’t thought about anything today, Mr. Love Love, is it okay to increase the amount of cocoa? Even if I increase it, up to 15g, maybe up to 10%.If I increase it more than that, it won’t expand anymore, so please be careful

. Tonight, let’s have mitsuba pork shabu-shabu, it’s delicious. I love that kind of thing. It’s absolutely delicious. It’s nice to have shabu-shabu with mitsuba and seri. Yuzu Karin-san, boiled duck, spinach, sesame, and grilled fish. Wow, Japanese food. Freshly cooked rice. Freshly cooked rice. It looked delicious, Asa-san, and I ate it all.In

The end, I ate it all in one go.It was so delicious that I couldn’t resist.I’ll never eat after that.After that, I won’t eat until the matcha bread comes out.Mickey Bass-san, tonight we’re going to eat mackerel. Salt-grilled mackerel Ah, salt-grilled mackerel is good.The other day, I

Was at a supermarket and it was like 300 yen for a small piece of mackerel. That’s why salted mackerel is so cheap.A long piece of mackerel like this is sold at supermarkets for 100 or 150 yen, but a small fillet like this costs 30,000 yen. It

Said it was Bekkoku. I was wondering what Bekkaku meant, so I haven’t eaten it yet, but I definitely want to try it at least once. I think I’ll go buy that and buy Yuri Yurimesan Teppanyaki. It ‘s Okonomiyaki.Ao Okonomiyaki is also good.I also have cabbage, so Okonomiyaki is good too.Tomorin-san, I

Made it with coarse tuna.Wow, it looks amazing and delicious.I also love coarse fish.It’s stuck to the bones. It’s delicious, is n’t it? TK-san, I’m going to Tokorono-san today. It’s great. Nekamama-san. I wanted to buy fresh horse mackerel and make fried horse mackerel, but they didn’t sell it, so

I decided to try frozen fried horse mackerel. I’m going to make fried horse mackerel and fried yam.Fried yam.Yes, it’s a yam version of french fries.I wonder if it’s crunchy.However, I wonder if I’ve ever eaten it. Nori- san.The chocolate dough has lemon peel and chocolate.

I tried adding almonds, soybeans, and white chocolate chips to the matcha dough.Almonds are also good.Matcha and almonds go well together.Come to think of it, they go well together. I’m going to make a hot pot, gyoza hot pot.No, I had a runny nose that wouldn’t stop about two days ago, and I

Thought maybe it was just the wind, but I was feeling fine, but that miso ramen and the vegetables. I really wanted to eat the gyoza with the miso ramen that had a huge pile of stir-fried vegetables on it,

So I thought I’d make it myself, but when I came to think of it, the skin was all gone , but I just don’t feel like it today. Maybe that’s just my style, so I thought it wasn’t the time to eat gyoza, so I tried gyoza with that miso ramen.Gyoza, after all,

Tastes better when you make it yourself.Eat it while grilling it. Yes, it’s delicious, Mr. Furby. Today’s new ramen is made from bag noodles. Oh, the new ramen is delicious. No, I love that ramen, too, and recently

I’ve heard of something like the Korean super spicy mixture. That’s really spicy. It came with a sauce and it was medium spiciness, but I ate it for the first time.It was my first time eating it, and it was extremely spicy.It was surprisingly spicy, but it was really spicy .

There was so much transparent flame coming out of his mouth that I thought he might have turned into Godzilla, or rather, a fire-breathing monster.Anonamanana- san was burnt.Yes, Mokamama-san today. I’m drinking white wine that my husband gave me on White Day, so it’s nice.Mur bought aigamo loin at the business supermarket.Wow, that’s really nice.Yoshiko-

San, I’ve been on the right track lately, so it’s a 3-tiered steamed dish.It looks delicious, too. That’s great. It’s great that it’s completed. I’m sure we’re on the right track. No, I’m really confused when I hear everyone’s dinner menus. But if I don’t go shopping right now, I’ll have

Some chicken for fried chicken. And then there’s the salmon, and then there’s a little bit of shredded pork. So what should I make? Yefuri-san, dinner is Chinese cabbage, pork, fried tofu, and sashimi. Oh, the Chinese cabbage looks so delicious. And the Chinese cabbage, too.

I think I’ll make a stew of Chinese cabbage and pork . I used purple sweet potato powder, which is cheap. That’s nice. I used that powder instead of matcha. There are a lot of vegetable powders like that available these days. It’s definitely a good color. That’s a nice braided bun, Furby, Korean Bullda

. That’s it. It looks a bit like a cow. It’s a bag with a character on it, and it’s really painful. Really, what do you mean by me, this, or Korean people? I thought , if this was the spiciest, fire would come out of Nena’s eyes instead of my mouth.Ayukarin-san, it was grilled.Please

Eat it freshly grilled.It’s delicious.Now. Hey, I’m holding back until the matcha is cooked. It’s going to be a while until the matcha is cooked. I have about 4 minutes left. I went to Teradome last week, so I bought some salmon and scallops, so I’m going to grill them. Oh, they look delicious.

Well, my elementary school daughter was in agony when she ate the cheese-flavored Moka Mama-san Blutac. That’s right. It’s not just because I added cheese, it’s true. It’s full of vegetables. I thought it would be a good idea to add some vegetables, but it wasn’t that problem at all anymore. I

Can’t put that sauce on it anymore. That doesn’t make any sense, but if I add even a little bit of that sauce, it’s gone. Junko’s strawberry melon bread , which turns into a fire-breathing monster, is a big hit with my family, so I’ve made it three times. Oh wow, last week

I made an anpan bread on my teacher’s YouTube, and my grandson loved it, so I got excited and tried making anpanma next time. I was overjoyed. Wow, that’s great. My grandchild, once he learns to make bread with that kind of character on it, it becomes easy to make

. I’m sure he’ll be able to eat homemade bread. I think it’s going to be a really good memory. I really love it, too. I mean, I love bulldogs. Well, that’s just me. I

Got that bag that had 3, 3, and 5 pieces of this and that big stuff in it. So I ate just one , but I was surprised at how spicy it was, so I ate it all the way to the end.I was already crying,

But I wasn’t sure what to do next, so if someone came over , I’d ask them to try it. I thought I’d give it to you, and I ‘m kind of looking forward to seeing what people think of it.I thought I’d ask

Them what they thought later.Thank you everyone for everything. First , I’m going to make a pot of chicken and Chinese cabbage.Then I have salmon, so what should I do with it?I also have pork, so I think I’ll make some boiled pork.I’m going to try making a few different things.Everyone.

You can use this recipe as a reference , Hiroko-san, stir-fry chicken with ajipon in a frying pan, add rice, make fried rice, sprinkle with water and Bebebirif, sprinkle with mayonnaise, and it becomes a one-piece meal

. Isn’t it the same as the cooked pilaf? Yes, that’s right. After all, when it comes time to eat, it’s easier to eat if you have a lot of different things in one rather than having a few separate nappies. It’s easy to eat,

But if you don’t have a certain amount of plates, you’ll end up with just this and that, so that’s the only thing that bothers me, and I often think about things like , “If I were alone, I would be fine with this.” So, I

‘m thinking of making a slightly different version of yesterday’s cooked rice.I think if you change the toga consomme to toga soup and add a little sesame oil, it will become fried rice-like, so I think that’s the version. Kaneo, I want to master the pilaf fried rice in the rice cooker.I’m

Going to bake the maple leaves in just one minute.Now, the matcha has a little bit of color on it , but I can’t help it.It’s going to have some color on it, so … This one is a little too delicious.Chocolate and Yuzu Peel.Yuzu Peel is

Just too delicious.That lemon peel is so delicious, and so is orange peel, but in that book, it’s the only thing that includes orange peel. I thought that if you add too many different things, it might be difficult for people who are making it for the first time to mix everything together, so I

Only add orange peel, but once you get used to it, try adding a little bit of different things. I think it will mix well if you add between 50g and 70g of the ingredients inside.Okay, it’s a little burnt, so if it

‘s a little burnt, it doesn’t look like a necklace anymore.It ended up looking like this. It’s gone , okay , it’s gone. This has flowed down a little bit. I made it look like a flower here, but this is what happened, so it’s going to look a little nice. Yes, it’s like this.

This one fell out again . I should have just pushed it in a little tighter. I took a picture and it looks really nice. Okay, let’s cut this out as well. Now, what’s going on? What’s going on with the beans? What’s happening with the beans? Let’s see if it’s a ring.This person has

Me leave it there for a while and cut it horizontally.It ‘s fluffy.It looks like this.If I cut it, it would lose all the meaning of making it into a ring . If you cut it

Like this, it will be easier to eat, and if you sleep it like this, the beans won’t come out on the surface, so the eyes will be smooth, and you will get a beautiful, beautiful dough. It looks like beans are coming out of the place.The cat charm

Part of the necklace is like this.I should have cleaned it up a little more.It swelled up , so everyone put it inside like that. Some people changed the ingredients and added moe vegetable powder earlier , but I think it would be nice

If you changed the color of the moe powder.I said yes, but this is too big and I won’t be able to eat dinner anymore . You won’t be able to eat it, so the beans will be steaming hot after all.These beans are really good.You

Should make sure to ferment them properly, like the one-hour fermentation, but also make sure that the two-hour fermentation is fermented properly before baking. If you don’t, the bread will end up looking a little hard even if you make it, so

It’s really important to warm up the dough properly.Especially since it’s still cold, it will be affected by the temperature . This is it, it’s delicious. It’s like a Japanese sweet with milk and tea. It’s good that it’s just beans. It’s delicious [laughing]

Yes, everyone, this wreath type is nice. Also, the way I wrapped the beans earlier, the beans were a bit big, so I thought they would fall apart if I mixed them in, so I wrapped them that way

, but if I put them in one by one, the surface would be really smooth like this. The toppings will fit evenly inside , so be sure to try it out with different toppings.If you don’t have mao beans on sale, you can definitely use amanatto instead.If

You don’t want to get too wet. It’s good that when you mix it, if water gets in, the dough will become sticky, and if the mixture comes out a little mushy, your hands will be sticky, etc. That’s why it’s so smooth.

I mean, it’s smooth. Please mix something that doesn’t have a lot of water into the dough. Yes, everyone is baked. Oh, please try it. I recommend the wreath-lease type. Ah, Sun Sunny. Hello, Mr. Furby, it’s easy to tear into small pieces and easy

To eat.Oh yeah, when I give it to someone, I think I’ll just leave it like this, but when I eat it, it looks like a triangle, so I think it’s really easy to eat. I’m wondering why you braid it when you braid it, but

When you braid it, the ingredients tend to get scattered all over the place.The surface of the fabric is also cute because it’s all pocked, and my hands are really busy. It looks like it’s coming out, isn’t it? Yes, the beans

Are sticky and delicious. Yes, that wreath is shaped like a sleepy wreath. It’s just a matter of braiding it and twirling it like this, but that alone is quite an advanced technique. It’s easy to be taken aback, so everyone, please

Try it once to show off your skills. Mamamoo, it’s baked. Here’s the article: Dried fruit and almond plain soaked in Western liquor. The article: White chocolate. And strawberry jam Aa Tsubu Jim or something like that would be pink. That’s it, everyone. It’s been a bit of a long holiday again

, but today I’m going to make some cocoa flavored and match flavored dough. I tried baking it in a braided way, and yes, it’s also braided . Depending on the short braid and the long braid, it looks completely different, and that’s just the way it is.

It’s easy to end up with a different shape , or rather a variation , so please give it a try.All you have to do is split it up a little.You can also make a thin piece, braid it, and wrap it around like this. I made it look a little bit like

A temari, and when I baked it, it ended up looking like a cute three-stranded circle.It’s really cute.I wasn’t able to do it today, but oh well. Please try using this technique to create different shapes.That’s why today.I’ve heard a lot of ideas for dinner from everyone,

So I’d like to start preparing dinner a little bit.Okay, let’s go.Thank you . The way you put the beans in was innovative.Well, if you hadn’t done it that way, you wouldn’t have been able to put them in anymore.If you put them all in like this,

When you stretch them out, if the beans are big, they’ll pop out a little. And then there will be parts where there is no soreness, so please try using it as a reference.I don’t know if it was helpful, but Mamamochi-san baked it.Okay, everyone, if you’d

Like, please post it on Instagram. Please, I haven’t been able to see it lately , but I’ll be sure to patrol around and take a look. I’d like to do that, so if you use the hashtag Vegetable Day Channel, I can look for it later, so if you’d like, if you’re on Instagram,

Please post it there. Thank you, Eyukari- san, Enorinori-san, I baked them. Yes, both of them, yes, I baked them. Yes, they are good. Yes, thank you, TK-san. Thank you, Yellow Freesia-san. Jerry-san, they will puff up really well in about 10 minutes. I’m glad I made it and it looked delicious.It

Seems like I was able to make up for it with the Uko, so when it’s a little soft, I see a lot of Uko.That’s why the standard is ease of work . If you aim for easy softness, and

Make some adjustments like not shaking the cat too much when it’s a little hard, and shaking it a lot when it’s soft, I think you’ll be able to get that good feeling at any time. Thank you, Fabi-san, Rabbit-san, thank you very much.Yes, Rikako-san, please make it later.Masan, I’m

Going to send it to my daughter.Yes, please send it to my daughter.Emi Thank you very much, mama. Yuri, Yurime-san, it’s almost done. Yes, it’s good. Thank you . I would like to make it using Mr. Cake’s and everyone’s ideas as a reference. Please try making it. Yes, Mr. Shi burnt it.

Yes, thank you. Thank you, Yoshiko. Yes, it was fun. Yes, thank you, Dinah Goma. Thank you very much mama Pochi. Tomorrow I will visit the grave with a homemade ohagi. It’s wonderful. Thank you Hire-Fil. Thank you Budo Panpan. Thank you Yuki-san. Thank you Norinori-san. Thank you Junko-san. Thank you Hiroko-

San. Thank you Yuki-san, please try making it.Yes, thank you Maki-san, thank you Rikon-san, thank you Etaka-san.So yes , when will I be able to do it next time?I wonder if

I can do it on April 7th? I think I can do it on April 7th, or maybe I can do it on April 7th, Sunday.Yes, I will contact you again.Thank you everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us today. Please try making the three-braid bread as well.I

Think that by making it again and again, you will get more and more beautiful shapes and come up with various ideas , so give it a try.I wonder where it went. Thank you, Mr. Tata , thank you for the mixed chocolate,

Mr. DK, ah, hat bread. Yes, I understand. I’ll try making hat bread. Okay, thank you, mama. Okay, everyone. Let’s have dinner. Everyone, let’s do our best to make it. Okay, everyone, thank you very much for today. That’s it. Finally, I’ll post a thumbnail. Thank you very much. Thank you Aya-san .








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「こねずに混ぜるだけ やさいしいパン作り」


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Thank you for watching.
This time, we will be distributing the “Coffee Rolls,” which were popular as a result of your votes, while making them. If you would like to make it with us, please prepare the ingredients and join us!
This time, we will be delivering dried fruit and walnut whole wheat bread as we make it.
If you would like to make it with us, please prepare the ingredients and join us!

Thank you all for joining us 😊.
If you would like to join us, please come prepared with materials!


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  1. おはぎまだ、用意できてませんが、用意出来しだい作ってみます😊


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