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Announcer 女子アナ美人




Of Hi ah there she is hi hello hello my name is nice to meet you very nice nice to meet you thank you um hi it’s uh my name is Johnny um the For Oh that’s very very kind thank you so much and you look beautiful the dress is amazing beautiful well I feel very lucky first um thankful to uh myw for for trusting me uh in in her native language uh F number one I mean first that the U

Um just as with any um piece of material uh you’re you’re reading the character the process was fascinating for me because I realized that Louis the 15 as a child was King was made King um and with the various people he has to see and speak with such as his uh his

Advisors um his uh Senate his uh this that you know I and then his lovers or his wife or his children would speak to each one very differently some more harsh some a little more um withheld um some very formally some very loose and familiar so uh that was kind

Of that was the hook that got me certainly um there’s a certain amount of your U private life or privacy there is a price for for his is um I anonymity went away a long time ago from me I hope people will accept number one just that that period in that

Period yeah I would say what what I hope would hope is that the audience when they see the frame and they see these people that’s that’s what people used to do These creatively and uh there are many things going on I feel like I’ve been very lucky and to have to have met um the characters that I’ve been able to play I suppose somewhere down the road yeah it would be interesting to see what what comes

Up so couldn’t be there but um looking forward to getting back and thank you for everything I hope that you uh that you enjoy um the story of Jean duberry and Lou can [Laughter] Thanks one second I’m going to try and find that little chot you just sent oh boy where am I okay I think I just broke Steven’s computer and everything I think everything is gone it’s all gone weird I’m not good with computers okay wait oh god what happened everything got weird mamashi

Yeah minan is that what he no gon noon okay here we go no it’s going to be all right everything’s going to be great I can feel it m ate how was that was it Close [Laughter] [Applause] E

2月2日に公開された映画「ジャンヌ・デュ・バリー 国王最期の愛人」

#ジョニーデップ #ジャンヌデュバリー #インタビュー #JohnnyDepp #映画 #ルイ15世 #小室瑛莉子 #めざまし8








  1. ジョニーが来日した時の映像 この時ここにいましたー そしてジョニーに触れました〜 もう一度会いたい❣️

  2. ジョニーデップかっこよすぎるだろ。ありがとう生まれてきてくれて愛してるよ!!!!あとアナウンサーの子も可愛い!!!

  3. 小室ちゃん、嬉しい気持ちは分かるけど、興奮しすぎだから・・・😂

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